Environmental: The environmental causes are evident, as is the effect of family and friends. Because of its advertisements for various food items and to push people to update their lifestyles, the media is the second most significant factor on eating disorders . In this sense, the media promotes skinny items or products that are unhealthy. However, the projection has a lot of interest and affection, so people will go with the intrigue and modernism. Biological: Biblical influences also have an impact on eating disorders. Serotonin levels were shown to be unusually low in patients with severe obsessive compulsive disorder, depression, or bulimia. During digestion, neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine are released by the intestines and central nervous system. Developmental Etiology: During the growth of children in the family system, parents are unconcerned about their children's eating habits. They create a self-care system and a nutrition plan for the...