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By Products Your Lack of Sleep Gives to you

You should never-ever skip your sleep. Because a good sleep is what that keeps you running and awake throughout the day. With this current age of internet, the lack of sleep can be common, but the thing to keep in mind that this can lead to several mental/psychological problems and you will never know that what caused them.

Here in this article, we will talk about the side effects and psychological issues lack of sleep can give to you.

Anxiety: Anxiety is the most probable and the first guest your lack of sleep invites in your consciousness. Anxiety is feeling excessive and persistent worry about everyday situations. Fast heart rate, rapid breathing, sweating and feeling tired may occur. This can lead to severe issues like blood pressure.

Anxiety disorder

·         Worrying constantly without any reason can take your concentration away from you and making it difficult for you to perform daily activities.

·         Hesitation and fearing any social or performance-related situations, 

·         Fear of an object or place, such as fear of entering an elevator believing that an escape might be not possible. This is like Phobic condition of anxiety

·         A past trauma might haunt you that might have given you the fear of its rapidity.

·         Performing excessive and repetitive cleaning and rearranging things and objects around you.

It’s better to start your anxiety treatment in Indore so that you can live your life away from this awful feeling.


Yes, Migraine can happen because of lack of sleep too. You sleep less and the pressure on your brain muscles will started to build that in future might lead to various other issues such as Headache. A headache of varying intensity, often accompanied by nausea and sensitivity to light and sound. You can have your Migraine treatment before it spread its root and invite other issues.


Stress is one for all problems that lack of sleep might involve... You need to know that sleep invites lack of concentration, lack of mind’s peace, lack of involvement in current activities.

Here are the problems stress invites: -

1.       Anxiety

2.       Pressure on mind.

3.       Lack of concentration.

4.       Lack of consistency.

5.       Health issues.

If one feel stress over and over than there might not be the condition that had problem, it’s the stress that is becoming part of you and thus it requires a treatment from psychiatrist in Indore. Thus, it is required to have stress counseling.

So, that’s it from this article. You need to sleep at least 7 hours in night, not more than 10 hours. Thank you!



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