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The Top 5 Things you should know about Drug Rehabilitation

Drug rehabilitation (rehab) is a medical and psychotherapy treatment for people who are addicted to harmful substances including alcohol, prescription medicines, and illegal drugs like cannabis. Rehab is a type of treatment that aims to help you enhance your ability and function in everyday tasks. Cognitive (thinking and learning) abilities, mental abilities, and physical abilities are all possible. A drug rehabilitation centre is a clinic where people who are addicted to drugs or alcohol receive expert medical care and support in order to reclaim their personal and social well-being and lifestyle.


Addiction is a difficult but treatable disorder. Continuous substance abuse alters brain structure and function, resulting in dependency. Drug addicts are more likely to relapse after a long period of abstinence or cessation because brain function lasts longer. When a person does not receive the medicine, they may have withdrawal symptoms. These signs and symptoms might be dangerous to the patient and their family ones.

Overall goals may differ for each person based on the nature and severity of the problem, such as trauma, injuries, or medical treatment side effects. The 5 things that you need to know about drug rehabilitation centre in Indore are:

  • Compulsive behaviour drives addiction

Addiction is a broad phrase that refers to a condition in which a person becomes addicted to a substance or behaviour. Addiction is defined as a compulsion, desire, or yearning for a certain substance. As addiction progresses, a strong desire to consume harmful substances or engage in harmful behaviours develops, which causes the brain to produce dopamine, which provides pleasure and relaxation.

  • Inherited addiction scenario

Science has shown some evidence linking genetic propensity to any substance misuse addiction. "At least half of a person's propensity to drug or alcohol addiction can be connected to genetic factors," according to the American Psychological Association (APA). Consistent usage also leads to a loss of control and the development of a tolerance for the substance, both of which are signs of addiction. 

  • Environmental and Trauma

·       Addiction is frequently associated with other psychological issues brought on by peer pressure or trauma. Individuals' need to fit in with a specific sort of population, along with a lack of supervision, may lead to addiction. Individuals who have been through traumatic circumstances are also more likely to abuse substances because they tend to underestimate the difficulty or recuperation they face, according to science.

  • An individualized treatment regimen yields better results

People who receive individualised treatment that is tailored to their personal requirements are less likely to relapse. The bucket single treatment is not for everyone. The sort of treatment therapy that is appropriate for your needs and aids in productive functioning in the workplace, society, and with the help of family support is critical to understand.

  • ·         Change is hard and takes time

For recovering addicts, the most difficult task is to replace dangerous habits and build a new structure around them that will help them prevent relapse. Addiction therapy involves a long-term commitment of effort and thought. If a recurrence occurs during treatment, the plan and treatments will be adjusted accordingly.

Rehab can help you continue your everyday activities and live a happy life in a variety of ways.

  1. 1.       Breaking the addiction cycle and lessens the physical pain
  2. 2.       Knowledge and understanding of addiction along with better focus and memory
  3. 3.       Healthily introspect in your issues and you will start feeling younger
  4. 4.       Put together new habits and practices which will help in boosting your self-esteem
  5. 5.       Enhanced self-confidence and ability to deal with the injury or issues psychologically
  6. 6.       Enhanced body and immune function helping in maintaining sleep cycle
  7. 7.       Establish a healthy physical and mental environment
  8. 8.       Improves endurance by strength gain
  9. 9.       Greater independence feeling with a mental well-being

An optimum way to overcome your addiction is by getting help from an addiction treatment program from a professional such as Dr. Pawan Rathi. He is a renowned psychiatrist in Indore and trained from the best institutes equipped to handle all the situations that may arise while treating patients. With a precise diagnosis, specialised treatment relevant to illness and empathic behaviour toward his patients, his treatment methods are ethical and finest in class. We invite you to meet with us at our clinic to discuss your issues and requirements. Our clinic's aim is mental health, and we recognise that addiction is a condition that may ruin both the sufferer and their loved ones. Please call us or schedule an appointment to learn more about our professional and open approach to better mental health care.


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