Worldwide, 0.32 percent of people suffer with schizophrenia. Even though it improves with early treatment, it might be challenging to identify at an early stage. This is due to the ease with which its symptoms might be mistaken for the effects of drug or alcohol addiction or for rebellious and boisterous behaviour. Most of the time, even the individual with the mental condition is unable to recognise that he or she has one.
Follow the below article for a detailed account of schizophrenia treatment, its symptoms, and causes.
What Is Schizophrenia?
Chronic mental illness known as schizophrenia is characterised by aberrant perceptions of and responses to reality. Hallucinations, delusions, disarray, and social isolation are some of the symptoms that are present in combination with one another.
Typically, women are more likely to have it in their mid- to late-20s than men are in their early or mid-20s. Schizophrenia has been documented in children and teenagers, nevertheless. Younger onset of schizophrenia is more likely in male teenagers than girls.
Causes of Schizophrenia
This condition's origin is yet unknown. However, scientists think that a combination of genetic, psychological, and environmental variables may be to blame. Additionally, aberrant neurotransmitter activity is thought to be a potential contributing factor. Information is transferred across the neurological system through neurotransmitters like dopamine and glutamate, whose aberrant function may cause this illness.
Images gathered during study revealed that schizophrenic individuals' brain and central nervous systems differed from those of healthy individuals. Its relationship with and contribution to schizophrenia are still unknown.
Some elements raise a person's risk of developing schizophrenia. They consist of:
Family history of schizophrenia
Complications during pregnancy or childbirth, like infection and malnutrition.
Use of mind-altering drugs
Excessive stress or unhealthy emotional environment. This factor mostly affects children and teenager.
The Best Treatment for Schizophrenia
For the best treatment for schizophrenia in Indore, go to Dr Rathi’s Mind Center. One of the greatest psychiatrists with years of expertise, Pawan Rathi is our expert. He specializes in providing therapy and treating a variety of addictions as well as psychological and sexological illnesses.
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